Title: Deadhouse Gates
Author: Steven Erikson
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Series: The Malazan Book of the Fallen
Pages: 864
Pages to Date:7,893
The Good:
After I read the first installment of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, Deadhouse Gates had some very high expectations to meet, and it delivered in full. The interwoven story lines are beautifully executed and the characters are breathtaking, even in tragedy. Heboric, Felisin, Kalam, and Baudin stood out as a few of my favorites, along with Icarium, Mappo, and Iskaral Pust. I wish I could say more, but the very reasons I love these characters are major spoilers.
The Bad:
Like it's predecessor, Deadhouse Gates, starts off pretty slow. It is very much a traveling book; many of the stories take place really far from each other. However, once I began putting the pieces of the puzzle together this became a non-issue. I just wanted to continue on until certain parties collided.
Additionally, Duiker's sections for the first half of the book are pretty dry, littered with military talk. This may not hinder some readers, but for me it was a bit rough. In the end, though, I came to love Duiker as a character and his sections vastly improved.
The Verdict:
Deadhouse Gates is amazing. It lives up to it's predecessor's reputation and, though a bit slow at first, is a must read.
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